Housing Conditions Determine Occupants’ Health

Facts About Housing
People spend more time indoors at home and at work, even at leisure in a mall
In urban living (the metropolitan) especially the high-rise residential, hotels, complexes, and offices environment is built structurally airtight (sealed) for the sake of safety,
air-conditioning, and deterring outdoor pollution -
Buildings are built close to one another, lacking in airflow ventilation and sustaining nature-environment
Alarming Human Health
Social health which includes stress is believed as the root of many modern-day illnesses i.e., hypertension, mental health, migraine, and other more chronic symptoms
People especially children, and the younger generations seem to be susceptible to allergies-related symptoms such as asthma, sinus, skin, and eyes
A Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle according to heart.org comprises “getting enough sleep, practicing mindfulness, managing stress, keeping mind and body fit, connecting socially, and more”. Sleeping and resting well is one that people rejuvenate at home. While people generally pursue wellness externally, many overlook the most basic of a healthy lifestyle begins at home or, in places where you spend most hours, sleeping or awake.
Potential Health Hazards @ Home, in a Sealed Environment
Unseen biological allergens such as mold (fungi), dust mites, and pathogens left behind by common pests (cockroaches, rats) contributed to various respiratory illnesses including asthma, bronchitis, and sinus
Chemical pollutants like VOC, Radon, Carbon Monoxide, and high concentration of Carbon Dioxide are produced by indoor equipment, cleaning detergents, and paint.
Poor mechanical ventilation, temperature, and humidity are not only a cause of discomfort but are conducive to the growth of unseen biological allergens.
*Improving indoor air quality is the first step to an Urban Healthy Lifestyle.