Ozone Generator is a NO in Occupied Space

Ozone is O₃. The ozone at the stratospheric layer, higher up in the atmosphere provides a filter against the UV radiation from the sun. However, when the ozone is near the atmosphere where we breathe is damaging to the lungs. Ozone can be produced when sunlight interacts with chemicals emission from automobiles and industries. Hence, ozone concentration has a correlation to pollution.
Ozone device is a technology to provide convenience in various industries, such as in water purification, in the medical and industrial, when applied with the utmost care, but is not suitable for public application. Ozone at lower concentrations that are allowed by public health standards, has a low potential to effectively remove indoor air pollutants and odor. More so, if the device is purchased from an unreputable brand that is potentially a product dumping, rejected in the country of origin. Ozone devices in the market might give misleading information by not emphasizing their safety measure to the public, especially in containing the high ozone concentrations exposure.
There are other safer methods to manage indoor air quality, such as Source Control, Air Purification and Ventilation (#40). The potential versus the risk factor, using ozone-generating devices is not conducive for the public.
An Ion Generator, or Ionizer produces and releases positive and negative ions into the air to attract airborne PMs such as TVOC, bacteria, molds, and viruses. Once attached, it changes the pollutant’s composition and therefore deactivates its original threat. It is, however, not fully effective for larger particles such as pollen, and dust allergens, and in removing odor.
No one technology can fit all purposes. An integrated solution for effectiveness and efficiency is recommended. What other options do we have?